BHGS Teams 2021 : Results now published
As the UK gradually emerged from Covid-related restrictions over the course of 2021 many historical systems have made a return to competitive action, however with just shy of 100 players taking part across 6 different historical periods (DBM, DBMM, L'Art de la Guerre, Field of Glory Ancients and To The Strongest!) the BHGS Teams has been the first multi-ruleset historicals competition to take place in the UK in almost 2 years.
Alongside the UK-based competitors we also were very pleased to welcome a handful of international-based players from Spain and Germany taking part - especially as some of them managed to take trophies home with them too!
The results, along with a selection of photos from the games and venue, are now all posted on this website ar BHGS Teams @ LTG 2021 Results: