This year's BHGS Teams event will take place a couple of weeks later than last year's edition, as we are moving dates (but not venue) to run for the first time alongside the much-loved SELWG show at the Lee Valley Athletics Centre in North London over the weekend of 15/16th October.
Our partnership with the SELWG club also means that all BHGS Teams competitors will now benefit from free entry to the SELWG show, one of the UK's leading and longest-running wargaming events, on the Sunday of the competitions.
So far we have 3-player team events for ADLG, DBMM, 2-player team events for FoGAM and Mortem et Gloriam, as well as a couple of "singles" events for the DBM and TTS! rulesets confirmed for the BHGS Teams and available to book on our website.
The BHGS Challenge will again return to the UK's biggest gaming event, UK Games Expo at the NEC in Birmingham over the weekend of 4th & 5th June, with separate 15mm and 25mm events across both the ADLG and DBMM rulesets already on offer.
Finally, Britcon over the weekend of 12-14th August in Nottingham will now be playing host to our first ever Too Fat Lardies Games Day - "Lard Workshop" !
Everything for the games will be provided by the game host (figures, terrain, tactical advice etc.). There is no need to have any knowledge of the rules even if this is your first ever game. In fact this a great time to try new rules and periods (and now scales with 2mm Strength and Honour) that you have never played before.
Britcon this year will also host a record-breaking 20 (yes twenty!) other events this year:
- DBA One-day event Saturday
- Bolt Action 28mm - 2-day event - The Official Warlord Games English Nationals 2022
- NEW for 2022 Swordpoint 28mm 2-day event Sat/Sun - supported by Gripping Beast
- Saga Two separate 1-day events focusing on different themed books - supported by Gripping Beast
- NEW for 2022 War & Conquest 28mm 2-day event Sat/Sun - supported by Rob Broom of Scarab Miniatures
- NEW for 2022 DBM 15mm 2-day event Sat/Sun - making a full sweep of the "DBx" Ancients family at Britcon in 2022!
- NEW for 2022 DBM 25mm 2-day event Sat/Sun - yes, Double DBM !
- Kings of War - 5-games 2-day event Sat/Sun
- Armati - 2-day event Sat/Sun (details TBC)
- L'Art de la Guerre 15mm 6-games 3-day event Fri/Sat/Sun
- L'Art de la Guerre 25mm 5-games 3-day event Sat/Sun
- Mortem et Gloriam 15mm 5-games 3-day event Fri/Sat/Sun
- Renatio et Gloriam 15mm 5-games 3-day event Fri/Sat/Sun
- DBMM 15mm, 3-day event open pool 5-games Fri/Sat/Sun
- NEW for 2022 DBMM 6mm/25mm, 2-day event open pool 4-games Sat/Sun
- Epic Armageddon 3-day event 6-games Fri/Sat/Sun
- Field of Glory: Ancients & Medieval V3.0 15mm, 3-day event 5-games Fri/Sat/Sun 15mm
- Field of Glory Renaissance 15mm - 3-day event 5-games Fri/Sat/Sun
- NEW for 2022 To The Strongest! 2-day event Sat/Sun (details TBC)
- NEW for 2022 Battaille Empire 15mm Napoleonics - 3-day event Fri/Sat/Sun
The Britcon Trade Show is already proving popular with the wargames trade too, with almost 20 traders including a host of new faces already signed up to attend - full details are on the Britcon Website.
If you or any of your gaming buddies are "in the trade" and may be interested in exhibiting, or perhaps your club or group would like to stage a demo game at the show please get in touch soon as space is limited