The Doubles began as a series of 2-player team events running at various venues around the country back in the days of 7th Edition, and has continued, either as a multi-venue annual league or a one-off event ever since.
Whilst we don't unfortunately have any records from the pre-1997 7th edition era, at its peak the DBM Doubles saw almost 100 teams taking part in a hotly contested series of events, sometimes spreading across 6 separate weekends across the year.... and with this many events, with 2 players each receiving 1st-3rd place trophies in each round as well as the overall yearly winners The Doubles also generated an archive of many great (and many not so great) photographs of of OTT 'nineties' and 'noughties' leisure- and knit-wear, mantlepiece-busting trophies and cheesy grins.
All of the photos we could find of the winners have also been published... so be warned before you click the link!