Thanks also to all the people who helped us this year - in no particular order Kevin Johnson (all round Rennaissance man), Andy Ellis (FOG:AM list-checker of unparalleled patience), Terry Shaw (FOG N guru), Matt Haywood (FOW list-checker and troop-gatherer), Adrian Escott (DBMM list-checker), Dave Madigan (last-minute FOW umpire and organiser - and winner!), Tom Frankland (SAGA Warlord), Jim Gibson (sommelier) and Dave Mather (beer-meister!) all did sterling service in order to ensure that a great time was had by all. Special mention in dispatches for Chris Hanley for his annual Biggles game (sorry about the busted tailplane Chris!). Chris comes every year and puts up with the incompetence of a dozen or more 20-minuters with great humour and resilience.
Full results of all the competitions will be published shortly.
Next year's event is back at LVS Ascot, our usual venue, and we have a date for your diary already - 11-13 April 2014. See you all there, and at all the other events we play and organise up and down the country in between.