All now on this website including round by round scores and opponents
WHFB and Epic to follow....
Results from a very sunny Cranfield now published for FoW, FoG AM, FoGN, FoGR, DBMM, DBM and Bolt Action All now on this website including round by round scores and opponents WHFB and Epic to follow....
After a staggering response we are now full to the rafters at Roll Call 2014, with almost 250 players registered across all of our list of periods. With three weeks still to go the online booking system is now operating a waiting list, so you can put your name down for a place if any players drop out in the next couple of weeks (which is always possible..). The 25mm periods have been a real success too, with 30 players across DBMM, FoGAM and FoGR - and that's before we mention the 106 WHFB players this year! Bookings for Britcon are also going strongly, so make sure you book ahead to secure your place We are pleased to report that The BHGS Challenge 2014 was a resounding success! The results are now published on our site, but to give you a flavour there were some notable highlights too, with 50% more players than 2013 and a number of landmarks as well, including: 9 themes, including Bolt Action, DBM and Epic all new/returned after long absence (and Saga in its second year) Loads of entries - 128 players, including umpires, with increased numbers in all periods Plenty of "buzz" in the main hall David Fairhurst leading the FOW on Saturday night, despite playing an army picked up from scratch and not having played FOW for nearly 2 years Darrell Pearce going one better and winning the DBM overall despite not having played it at all for 2 years The help we had setting up the tables on Friday and taking them down/tidying up on Sunday night - would have been impossible for the Challenge team of David and Tim, but there were loads of guys there to help, in particular the members of Oxford and the Trunkies, Ian Mackay, Colin, Gary and Dave Redhead and Bob Medcraft and Ray Briggs So, all in all a great weekend. We look forward to seeing you all again at Roll Call in June ! On behalf of the organising team at the BHGS we'd just like to thank everyone - players, traders, day visitors, umpires, list checkers, first aiders (yes!), terrain providers, camp followers and vaguely interested passers by who helped make this year's Britcon in Manchester what people seem to be telling us was something of a resounding success ! The results are now up on this site as we speak, and there is a whole bucketload of stuff on our Facebook Page from the show as well - you can also upload any pictures you may have taken to the Facebook site too. We'll be sending out a post-event email and survey once we catch our breath so you will have plenty of opportunities to give us your feedback and suggestions in the next few weeks, however if you attended and enjoyed it we'd really appreciate it if you can post some comments to that effect on whatever forums and discussion groups you are members of, as (hopefully positive!) word of mouth is the best publicity to help us continue to run and grow Britcon in future years. Also don't forget our two Doubles/Pairs Competition weekends being held later this year, for DBMM, FoGAM, FOW andFoGR. Bookings are open for all of these events and places are limited so make sure you stake your claim early! For those of you who need to plan ahead we will be running the BHGS Challenge on 11/12th April 2014, this time in Oxford, and Roll Call will return to Cranfield on 21/22nd June. Britcon 2014 will be held on the 8th, 9th and 10th of August, again in UMIST Manchester. Getting the booking system up and running for all three is on the BHGS "to-do list", but right now we're all off for a soak in (several separate) hot baths and what feels like a well deserved a rest.... ! This year sees the first Bolt Action tournament being held at Britcon, and as well as the event having the full support from Warlord Games, the lovely people at terrain-maker 4Ground have also agreed to provide us with £100-worth of buildings which will be included in some of our terrain setups for you to fight over, and - we believe as a first for any UK competition - these same buildings will also be offered as "spot-prizes" throughout the weekend. This means that if your men are brave enough to capture one of these buildings, you may also be lucky enough to take it home yourself at the end of the weekend! Cool terrain is a big part of the appeal of Flames of War and Bolt Action, and the BHGS have always been committed to providing high quality and interesting terrain layouts on all of our FoW tables at Britcon (and we are for BA too). Unfortunately the Sneaky Gitz Club are no longer playing FoW, so their terrain from a few years ago is no longer available however we recognise that many players will have invested a great deal of time and effort in developing their own terrain and even entire "model-railway-quality" battle-boards and would love the opportunity to share their handiwork with a wider audience. To accommodate this at Britcon 2013 we will be inviting players (and clubs) to provide one or more table's-worth of terrain to be used in the competition. If you are entering the Britcon FoW or Bolt Action Tournaments and are able to provide a "table of terrain" we would therefore love to accommodate you - and we are prepared to put our money where our mouths are as well: Players who are able to provide a table-full of terrain (or even better, a terrain table!) will be offered a special discounted entry rate in the form of a cash-equivalent voucher to spend with our Traders at the Britcon Trade Show. Clubs who have several members entering the competitions can also club together (see what we did there?) and submit a table-full of terrain to qualify for their own Trader Voucher. If you are the proud owner of a really, really cool pre-made table that you'd like to bring along and show off, but it's a bit difficult to fit in the back of your sisters Mini Metro please get in touch and we can discuss subsidising your petrol/travel costs as well We will also be running a "Best Terrain" competition across the Flames of War and Bolt Action Tournaments, in which all the players at Britcon will get the chance to vote on the Best Table in Show - and the winner will get a hefty prize, as well as the love and gratitude of all their fellow players ! Obviously we can only accept one table for every two players, so not everyone will be able to enter - if we have more entries than we have tables, entries will be accepted at the sole discretion of the BHGS. Please contact us with some pictures of your terrain or terrain board and we can look to pencil you in. Full details are on the Bolt Action and FoW Britcon pages |
November 2024
Original graphic design by Nobby
Copyright The BHGS