Emperor of The Battlefield @ Britcon

Napoleonic ruleset Emperor of the Battlefield will return to Britcon following its first competitive outing at BritCon 2023.
These new Napoleonic rules utilise the same simple and easy to use Control and Morale Test mechanisms as the well proven King of the Battlefield Eighteenth Century wargame rules. KotB was first published in 2003.
Please do join us for a friendly gathering of like-minded wargamers.
- The scale of figures being used this weekend is 15/18mm.
- Each normal sized unit of infantry or cavalry has two 40x30mm stands.
- Large units have three stands.
- Artillery batteries are depicted by two 40x40mm gun stands plus two limber team stands.
- Generals are mounted on 40mm rounds, but other options will not be turned away. The quality of their staff can be shown by varying the number of figures or by stickers (provided).
Armies for this competition may be chosen from any European nation - Sorry, no large numbers of irregulars this time!
Please choose forces to represent historical organisations from the period 1792 to 1815.
- The size of force will be about the size of a Corps.
- Most players have a C-in-C and three or four sub generals commanding Divisions or Brigades.
- An excel file will be made available to competitors to aid their choice.
Equipment needed. These items will be available for competition use.
- A measuring stick marked in 40mm units.
- One blue d10, one white d8 and one red d6. I’m fussy and it keeps it simple.
- Casualty markers.
- On the Friday night from 18.30 onwards we will be staging some friendly "Q&A" participation games. This will be a good opportunity to answer your questions and to ensure we all have the same understanding of these new rules.
Emperor of the Battlefield competition game timings
Saturday: 09.30 – 13.00, 14.00 – 17.30
Sunday: 09.00 – 12.30, 13.30 – 16.30
Prizes will be offered, but the acclamation of your peers will be worth far more.
For further information about Emperor of the Battlefield
- Please email …. [email protected]
These new Napoleonic rules utilise the same simple and easy to use Control and Morale Test mechanisms as the well proven King of the Battlefield Eighteenth Century wargame rules. KotB was first published in 2003.
Please do join us for a friendly gathering of like-minded wargamers.
- The scale of figures being used this weekend is 15/18mm.
- Each normal sized unit of infantry or cavalry has two 40x30mm stands.
- Large units have three stands.
- Artillery batteries are depicted by two 40x40mm gun stands plus two limber team stands.
- Generals are mounted on 40mm rounds, but other options will not be turned away. The quality of their staff can be shown by varying the number of figures or by stickers (provided).
Armies for this competition may be chosen from any European nation - Sorry, no large numbers of irregulars this time!
Please choose forces to represent historical organisations from the period 1792 to 1815.
- The size of force will be about the size of a Corps.
- Most players have a C-in-C and three or four sub generals commanding Divisions or Brigades.
- An excel file will be made available to competitors to aid their choice.
Equipment needed. These items will be available for competition use.
- A measuring stick marked in 40mm units.
- One blue d10, one white d8 and one red d6. I’m fussy and it keeps it simple.
- Casualty markers.
- On the Friday night from 18.30 onwards we will be staging some friendly "Q&A" participation games. This will be a good opportunity to answer your questions and to ensure we all have the same understanding of these new rules.
Emperor of the Battlefield competition game timings
Saturday: 09.30 – 13.00, 14.00 – 17.30
Sunday: 09.00 – 12.30, 13.30 – 16.30
Prizes will be offered, but the acclamation of your peers will be worth far more.
For further information about Emperor of the Battlefield
- Please email …. [email protected]
Book into this event on the Britcon Booking Page
Entry fees include lunch on both weekend days and a £5 voucher to spend with any of our traders at the show.
Entry fees include lunch on both weekend days and a £5 voucher to spend with any of our traders at the show.