Prizes for DBMM at Britcon 2025 are kindly being provided by our show sponsors, Forged in Battle
Britcon - De Bellis Magistorum Militum

At Britcon this year there will be changes to the DBMM:
Hairy Barbarians
15mm Ancients & Medieval
400 points - any army, drawn from a themed list of Hairy Barbarians
- details to be provided
72" by 48" tables,
4 games (2 Saturday, 2 Sunday)
Games will be around 3 hours 20 mins plus a 1-10 min(s) variable
Friday TBA - bounce games may be arranged and it is anticipated
a WRG themed evening for those desiring something else will be provided Saturday 0930-1300, 1400-1730,
Sunday 0900-1230, 1315-1645
The BHGS DBMM tournament rules can be found here
Cat Herders /List Checkers : David Mather and Peter Kershaw
List Deadline: No later than 2 weeks before the Friday start
Hairy Barbarians
15mm Ancients & Medieval
400 points - any army, drawn from a themed list of Hairy Barbarians
- details to be provided
72" by 48" tables,
4 games (2 Saturday, 2 Sunday)
Games will be around 3 hours 20 mins plus a 1-10 min(s) variable
Friday TBA - bounce games may be arranged and it is anticipated
a WRG themed evening for those desiring something else will be provided Saturday 0930-1300, 1400-1730,
Sunday 0900-1230, 1315-1645
The BHGS DBMM tournament rules can be found here
Cat Herders /List Checkers : David Mather and Peter Kershaw
List Deadline: No later than 2 weeks before the Friday start