Bataille Empire v2 @ Britcon 2024
At Britcon this year the Bataille Empire Napoleonic rules will feature a Version 2 event in a multi-round competition.
Coalition armies v Republican/Empire armies
This 15mm event will run with 5 games over the weekend (Friday evening, 2 games on Saturday and 2 games on Sunday).
The timetable is as follows:
Scoring will be done on the usual French system.
Contact : Adrian Steer
Umpire: Adrian Steer, plus the usual cabal of experts who'll be playing anyway
List Checker: Adrian Steer
List submission deadline August 2nd
Book via the Britcon Booking Page
Coalition armies v Republican/Empire armies
This 15mm event will run with 5 games over the weekend (Friday evening, 2 games on Saturday and 2 games on Sunday).
- Players can enter using either Coalition armies or French Republican/Empire armies and will be grouped with other players using similar forces in order to form two "teams" .
- This is an open event so any army from the army lists in the rule book is welcome.
- All games will be organised as Coalition vs Republican/Empire army (Red v Blue)
- Players with armies for both sides are encouraged to submit lists for both in order to make it easier for us to balance numbers of players on each "team".
- If submitting two lists you are able to flag your preference to the list checker who will do their best to achieve even numbers on both sides whilst respecting as many preferences as possible.
- The umpire will act as spare to even up numbers if required.
- All army lists should comply with the requirements in the BE version 2 rulebook, all National Characteristics as detailed in the army list section of the rule book will be in play, this includes the British Shrapnel rule for artillery including the points cost.
- Army lists should be 200 pts maximum. Army lists should be submitted using the standard Excel spreadsheet available on the BE Website or Roger Greenwoods alternative program (available through the forum) (please send army list file). Please include the exact army’s name (as detailed in the army lists)
- Any published errata documents for V2 will be used and considered part of the rules.
- Standard sized tables of 120mm * 80mm
- Standard size units must have a frontage of between 6cm - 8cm in line and 3cm - 4cm in column.
- 1 MU = 3cm.
- Preset terrain will be used to increase playing time to help players complete games. Terrain will be generated utilisation a computer-generated print-out fully compliant with the rules (using the system at ) a number of players may be asked to bring terrain for a table set-up depending on the number of entries.
- Players should bring with them: their army, at least 1 printout of their army list, measuring apparatus, tokens to indicate attrition, casualties and disorder, dice, tokens to indicate objectives and tokens to indicate divisional orders.
- Depending on numbers attending we will work to ensure that club members do not play each other, and players do not play each other twice during the event, if possible. Within these caveats the draw each round will otherwise seek to match top-scoring players from each team in Red on Blue matchups
The timetable is as follows:
- • Friday: 6:00pm earliest start, 7:30 latest start, play to a conclusion or around 11 pm when time will be called.
• Saturday: 09:30-13:00, 14:00-17.30
• Sunday : 09:00-12:30, 13:30-17:00
These games times may be extended by a few minutes (up to 15) as decided by the umpires.
When time is called there will be a 'hard stop' to the games - put the dice down and work out the result. We know there are pros and cons to this system, but it is the same for everyone and greatly helps the overall organisation of the whole event (we are inputting scores and calculating draws for almost 300 players across 10+ other events too) by preventing games dragging on and holding up the scoring.
Scoring will be done on the usual French system.
Contact : Adrian Steer
Umpire: Adrian Steer, plus the usual cabal of experts who'll be playing anyway
List Checker: Adrian Steer
List submission deadline August 2nd
Book via the Britcon Booking Page