BHGS Britcon 2015 Saga Scenarios
Some of these scenarios will sound familiar and are based on ones previously published but it is essential to read the words in this document as there are differences.
Scenario: Battle at the Ford - Game 1 - Friday
Game Length: 7 turns or time out reached
Layout: The scenery is pre-set (as shown below).
Do not alter the scenery before your game, just roll to see who deploys first and hence has choice of table edge and also deploys at least half his figures on his table side more than M from the table centre line.
His opponent then deploys all his warband more than M from the table centre line on the opposite table side.
Finally the first player deploys the rest of his warband more than M from the table centre line.
After deployment determine who starts (using the procedure defined in the rule pack).
Play through the game and when your game is complete, fill out the Game Results slip with your opponent and hand it in.
Scenario Rules:
The Woods are High Area Terrain, Soft Cover and Uneven ground.
The River is impassable and provides no cover.
The fords are Open terrain and provide no cover. Three models (including mounted) can cross abreast (even if you can’t physically place them on the bridge).
Scenario Victory Points:
VP’s are based on the figures moved to the enemy side of the river (which must be across and clear of the river but may still be on a bridge that is over the land area, to count), let’s call these Troop points which are calculated in the same way as Slaughtering victory points. i.e. 3 for a Warlord, 1 per Hearthguard, 1 per 2 Warriors (rounded up) & 1 per 3 Levie (rounded up).
If a player gets more than 4 troop points than his opponent on the opposite side of the river he gets 6 VP’s and his opponent gets 0 VP’s. Otherwise the player with the most troop points on the opposite side of the river gets 4 VP’s and his opponent gets 2 VP’s. For a draw, if some figures moved to the enemy side of the river both players get 3 VP’s, but if none got across the river both players get 1 VP.
Terrain: (Not shown to scale)
Scenario: Chance Encounter - Game 2 - Friday
Game Length: 7 turns or time out reached
Layout: The scenery is pre-set (as shown below).
In this scenario, each player has 1 baggage unit in addition to his 6 point warband.
Do not alter the scenery before your game, just roll to see who deploys first and hence has choice of table edge and also deploys 1 unit on his table side more than M from the table centre line. His opponent then deploys 1 unit more than M from the table centre line on the opposite table edge.
This is repeated till both players have deployed their warband and baggage.
After deployment determine who starts (using the procedure defined in the rule pack).
Play through the game and when your game is complete, fill out the Game Results slip with your opponent and hand it in.
Scenario Rules:
The baggage unit
• generates 1 SAGA dice (in the same way as a Hearthguard unit does)
• has armour 5 in melee and 6 against shooting (like a Warlord)
• is worth 3 troop kill points if destroyed (like a standard Warlord)
• generates 3 attack dice and has upto 3 extra defence dice in melee or shooting (so with 1 hit it gets 2 defence dice)
• may cancel 1 unsaved hit (but a second unsaved hit eliminates it)
• receives fatigue and uses fatigue as for a hearthguard unit. i.e. It is exhausted when it has 4 fatigue
• is unaffected by any SAGA ability by either player, except it can be activated as a Hearthguard unit to rest or move. However, units attacking it can use SAGA abilities on themselves (i.e. to affect their own attack dice)
• when activated it can only be moved upto ‘S’ unless it’s entire move is along the road when it can be moved upto ‘M’ with each activation. Baggage activations may never be cancelled with SAGA abilities as SAGA abilities cannot affect the baggage unit.
• cannot move into or through difficult ground, or into melee or end within VS of an enemy unit. If it starts within VS of an enemy unit (or within S for subsequent moves), it cannot move.
Terrain notes:
• The Rocky Ground areas are Low Area Terrain, Hard Cover and Uneven ground. Baggage units cannot enter.
• The Woods are High Area Terrain, Soft Cover and Uneven ground. Baggage units cannot enter.
• The Road is open terrain and has no effect other than allowing baggage units to move upto ‘M’ per activation.
Victory Points:
If both players get their own baggage to the opponent’s long table edge (any part of the unit has passed the table edge) then both players get 2VP’s. If only one player gets their baggage off the table, that player gets 4VPs and the other player gets 0VP.
Also if a player gets more than 4 Slaughtering victory points than his opponent he gets + 1VP.
Also if a player kills the enemy Warlord (and his still lives) the player gets + 1VP.
Terrain: (Not shown to scale)
Scenario: Village Pillage - Game 3 - Saturday
Game Length: 7 turns or time out reached
Layout: The scenery is pre-set (as shown below).
Do not alter the scenery before your game, just roll to see who deploys first and hence has choice of table edge and also deploys 1 unit on his table side more than M from the table centre line. His opponent then deploys 1 unit more than M from the table centre line on the opposite table edge.
This is repeated till both players have deployed their warband
After deployment determine who starts (using the procedure defined in the rule pack).
Play through the game and when your game is complete, fill out the Game Results slip with your opponent and hand it in.
Scenario Rules:
A building is placed M away from a table corner in two opposite corners. Each player ‘owns’ the building on his side of the table. These buildings are considered high area terrain but are impassable (in this scenario). Models may move freely within VS of the buildings and touch the buildings.
When a unit ends a movement activation with at least one model touching the opponent’s building the unit receives one ‘pillage’ token. A pillage token is collected after a movement activation (even if the unit does not move) as long as the activation did not involve a melee or shooting (i.e. javelins and composite bows). A unit can collect several pillage tokens in a turn but normal fatigue rules apply.
A unit can only carry as many pillage tokens as it has models. Excess tokens are lost when models are eliminated. Hence if a unit is eliminated, then all its tokens are lost.
Any type of unit can carry pillage tokens (dogs and camels included).
Terrain notes:
The Woods are High Area Terrain, Soft Cover and Uneven ground.
Building: High Area Terrain, Impassable terrain in this scenario.
Scenario Victory Points:
A player with the most pillage tokens gets 4VP’s and their opponent gets 1VP if they have at least 1 pillage token, otherwise they get 0 VP’s.
Otherwise, if both players have the same number of pillage tokens (1 or more) they both get 2VP’s.
Also if a player gets more than 4 Slaughtering victory points than his opponent he gets + 1VP.
Also, if a player kills the enemy Warlord (and his still lives) the player gets + 1VP.
Terrain: (Not shown to scale)
Scenario: Battle for the Hoard - Game 4 - Saturday
Game Length: 7 turns or time out reached
Layout: The scenery is pre-set (as shown below).
Scenario Rules:
A hoard of treasures has been discovered hidden in a swamp. Two warlords learn of the prize and fight to claim it…
Players decide who will play the first turn by bidding to play with a reduced number of points. Whoever bids lower goes first with the reduced warband and his opponent has a 6 point Warband. Roll a D6 in the event of a tie and the higher die roll starts first with the bid value. The starting player then deploys his entire warband at least L away from the table centre line. The opponent then deploys his warband with the full number of points at least L from the table centre line on the opposite table edge.
Play through the game and when your game is complete, fill out the Game Results slip with your opponent and hand it in.
Special Rules
At the end of a player’s turn if they have a model on the Hoard token that model is deemed to have picked up the Hoard (place the token under that model). Hence picking up the Hoard completes the players turn. Any unit with the Hoard has its maximum move reduced to S (this cannot be increased by any ability). A model retains the Hoard token until killed or until the unit is forced to disengage after Melee. It cannot give it up voluntarily. If the hoard is dropped as a result of a melee, a model in the opposing side takes possession of the Hoard (it can be any model in that unit as determined by the controlling player). The unit taking possession of the Hoard following a melee cannot be activated again this turn. If a model with the Hoard is killed by a shooting or other ranged action then the Hoard token is left on the table and is available again to be picked up as originally. A player cannot move the hoard token from model to model but the usual rules about which models are removed as casualties still apply.
When your game is complete, fill out the Game Results slip with your opponent and hand it in.
Terrain notes:
The Woods are High Area Terrain, Soft Cover and Uneven ground.
The Marsh is Low Area Terrain and Uneven ground. However, Factions with SAGA Abilities which apply to uneven ground (for example Irish Sons of Dana and/or Sidh or Welsh Ambush) cannot be used in this terrain piece.
Scenario Victory Points:
At the end of the game, if a player is in possession of the Hoard he gets 6VP’s and his opponent gets 2VP’s if he was ever in possession of the hoard but if not he gets 0 VP’s.
Otherwise (if no one is in possession of the hoard at game end) then if a player gets more than 4 Slaughtering victory points than his opponent he gets 4 VP’s and his opponent gets 1 VP. If a player gets 1 to 4 Slaughtering victory points more than his opponent he gets 2 VP’s and his opponent gets 1 VP.
Terrain: (Not shown to scale)
Scenario: Sacred Ground - Game 5 Saturday
Game Length: 7 turns or time out reached
Layout: In the centre of the table is a hill with two woods M away from the hill deployed as shown below. All three of these areas are sacred ground.
Scenario Rules:
Do not alter the scenery before your game, just roll to see who deploys first and hence has choice of table edge.
The winner deploys his Warlord on his table side more than L from the table centre line.
His opponent then deploys his Warlord more than L from the table centre line on the opposite table edge.
Then starting with the player that deployed his Warlord first, each player must deploy one unit, players alternate the deployment of their units until all units are deployed. However, the following deployment sequence must also be adhered too: foot units with ranged weapons then mounted units with ranged weapons then other foot the other mounted units.
After deployment determine who starts (using the procedure defined in the rule pack).
Play through the game and when your game is complete, fill out the Game Results slip with your opponent and hand it in.
Terrain notes:
The Woods are High Area Terrain, Soft Cover and Uneven ground.
The Hill is High Area Terrain, no Cover and Open ground.
Scenario Victory Points:
At the end of each player’s turn, starting with each player’s second turn, their opponent counts the number of Conquering Victory Points they scored this turn. The number of Conquering Victory Points is based on the units that are entirely placed in one of the three scenery items placed on the table. No scenery item can grant more than 6 Conquering Victory Points for a player per turn.
Conquering Victory Points are awarded for units rather than for figures, based on the following list:
• Each Hearthguard unit is worth three Conquering Victory Points
• Each Warrior unit is worth two Conquering Victory Points
• Each Levy unit is worth one Conquering Victory Point
• Swords for Hire and Dogs of War unit/s are worth Conquering Victory Points equal to the troop type they count as
• Units of three or less models do not earn any Conquering Victory Points (this extends to units that started the game as single figure units, such as Warlords, Wandering Bards and Troubadours)
The number of Conquering Victory Points gained each turn is accumulated each turn till the game ends.
At the end if a player gets more than 8 Conquering Victory Points than his opponent he gets 6 VP’s and his opponent gets 0 VP’s.
Otherwise if a player gets 5 or more but less than 8 than his opponent he gets 4 VP’s and his opponent gets 1 VP.
Otherwise if a player gets 1 or more but less than 5 than his opponent he gets 3 VP’s and his opponent gets 1 VP.
Otherwise it’s a draw and both players get 3 VP’s.
Terrain: (Not shown to scale)
Scenario: Clash of Warlords (Butcher’s Version) - Game 6 - Saturday
Game Length: Once victory condition met or 7 turns or time out reached
Layout: The scenery is pre-set (as shown below).
Scenario Rules:
Do not alter the scenery before your game, just roll to see who deploys first and hence has choice of table edge.
The winner deploys his Warlord on his table side more than M from the table centre line.
His opponent then deploys his Warlord more than M from the table centre line on the opposite table edge.
Then starting with the player that deployed his Warlord first, each player must deploy one unit, players alternate the deployment of their units until all units are deployed. However, the following deployment sequence must also be adhered too: foot units with ranged weapons then mounted units with ranged weapons then other foot the other mounted units.
Special Rules:
Only models eliminated during a Melee (from step 0 to step 8) count as eliminated for Slaughtering Victory Points. Other models do NOT count. Set the models eliminated outside a Melee sequence apart, to avoid counting them for VPs.
After deployment determine who starts (using the procedure defined in the rule pack).
Play through the game and when your game is complete, fill out the Game Results slip with your opponent and hand it in.
Terrain notes:
The Woods are High Area Terrain, Soft Cover and Uneven ground.
The Hill is High Area Terrain, no Cover and Open ground.
Victory Points:
The game ends if a Warlord is killed (it is possible for both warlords to be killed if it occurs in the same melee). A player that kills the enemy Warlord (& his still lives) gets 6VP’s and his opponent gets 0 VP’s. Otherwise (if both warlords die together or none have been killed) then if a player gets more than 4 Slaughtering victory points than his opponent he gets 4 VP’s and his opponent gets 1 VP. If a player gets 1 to 4 Slaughtering victory points more than his opponent he gets 2 VP’s and his opponent gets 1 VP.
Terrain: (Not shown to scale)
Scenario: Homeland - Game 7 - Sunday
Game Length: Once victory condition met or 6 turns or time out reached
Layout: Three buildings are placed M away from the table centre line.
Scenario Rules:
Do not alter the scenery before your game, determine who is the defender. Each player secretly bids how many Warband points (between 2 and 6) he thinks he needs to defend the village. Both players reveal their bid. The player with the lowest bid becomes the defender. If players tie, roll a D6 and the highest roller becomes the defender. The defender deploys (his bid points worth of Warband) on his table side (where the buildings are) more than M from the table centre line. His units can be within or outside of the buildings.
His opponent (the attacker) then deploys his 6 point Warband more than L from any building or enemy unit.
After deployment determine who starts (using the procedure defined in the rule pack).
Play through the game and when your game is complete, fill out the Game Results slip with your opponent and hand it in.
Terrain notes:
Building: One large building holds upto 12 models. The two small buildings hold upto 8 models each.
Victory Points:
The game ends if the attacker Warlord is killed or after 6 turns or timeout is reached.
If the defender has at least one defending figure in a building he controls that building otherwise the attacker controls it.
The attacker gets 2VP’s for each building he controls.
The defender gets 3 VP’s for each building he controls (up to a maximum of 6VP’s).
Some of these scenarios will sound familiar and are based on ones previously published but it is essential to read the words in this document as there are differences.
Scenario: Battle at the Ford - Game 1 - Friday
Game Length: 7 turns or time out reached
Layout: The scenery is pre-set (as shown below).
Do not alter the scenery before your game, just roll to see who deploys first and hence has choice of table edge and also deploys at least half his figures on his table side more than M from the table centre line.
His opponent then deploys all his warband more than M from the table centre line on the opposite table side.
Finally the first player deploys the rest of his warband more than M from the table centre line.
After deployment determine who starts (using the procedure defined in the rule pack).
Play through the game and when your game is complete, fill out the Game Results slip with your opponent and hand it in.
Scenario Rules:
The Woods are High Area Terrain, Soft Cover and Uneven ground.
The River is impassable and provides no cover.
The fords are Open terrain and provide no cover. Three models (including mounted) can cross abreast (even if you can’t physically place them on the bridge).
Scenario Victory Points:
VP’s are based on the figures moved to the enemy side of the river (which must be across and clear of the river but may still be on a bridge that is over the land area, to count), let’s call these Troop points which are calculated in the same way as Slaughtering victory points. i.e. 3 for a Warlord, 1 per Hearthguard, 1 per 2 Warriors (rounded up) & 1 per 3 Levie (rounded up).
If a player gets more than 4 troop points than his opponent on the opposite side of the river he gets 6 VP’s and his opponent gets 0 VP’s. Otherwise the player with the most troop points on the opposite side of the river gets 4 VP’s and his opponent gets 2 VP’s. For a draw, if some figures moved to the enemy side of the river both players get 3 VP’s, but if none got across the river both players get 1 VP.
Terrain: (Not shown to scale)
Scenario: Chance Encounter - Game 2 - Friday
Game Length: 7 turns or time out reached
Layout: The scenery is pre-set (as shown below).
In this scenario, each player has 1 baggage unit in addition to his 6 point warband.
Do not alter the scenery before your game, just roll to see who deploys first and hence has choice of table edge and also deploys 1 unit on his table side more than M from the table centre line. His opponent then deploys 1 unit more than M from the table centre line on the opposite table edge.
This is repeated till both players have deployed their warband and baggage.
After deployment determine who starts (using the procedure defined in the rule pack).
Play through the game and when your game is complete, fill out the Game Results slip with your opponent and hand it in.
Scenario Rules:
The baggage unit
• generates 1 SAGA dice (in the same way as a Hearthguard unit does)
• has armour 5 in melee and 6 against shooting (like a Warlord)
• is worth 3 troop kill points if destroyed (like a standard Warlord)
• generates 3 attack dice and has upto 3 extra defence dice in melee or shooting (so with 1 hit it gets 2 defence dice)
• may cancel 1 unsaved hit (but a second unsaved hit eliminates it)
• receives fatigue and uses fatigue as for a hearthguard unit. i.e. It is exhausted when it has 4 fatigue
• is unaffected by any SAGA ability by either player, except it can be activated as a Hearthguard unit to rest or move. However, units attacking it can use SAGA abilities on themselves (i.e. to affect their own attack dice)
• when activated it can only be moved upto ‘S’ unless it’s entire move is along the road when it can be moved upto ‘M’ with each activation. Baggage activations may never be cancelled with SAGA abilities as SAGA abilities cannot affect the baggage unit.
• cannot move into or through difficult ground, or into melee or end within VS of an enemy unit. If it starts within VS of an enemy unit (or within S for subsequent moves), it cannot move.
Terrain notes:
• The Rocky Ground areas are Low Area Terrain, Hard Cover and Uneven ground. Baggage units cannot enter.
• The Woods are High Area Terrain, Soft Cover and Uneven ground. Baggage units cannot enter.
• The Road is open terrain and has no effect other than allowing baggage units to move upto ‘M’ per activation.
Victory Points:
If both players get their own baggage to the opponent’s long table edge (any part of the unit has passed the table edge) then both players get 2VP’s. If only one player gets their baggage off the table, that player gets 4VPs and the other player gets 0VP.
Also if a player gets more than 4 Slaughtering victory points than his opponent he gets + 1VP.
Also if a player kills the enemy Warlord (and his still lives) the player gets + 1VP.
Terrain: (Not shown to scale)
Scenario: Village Pillage - Game 3 - Saturday
Game Length: 7 turns or time out reached
Layout: The scenery is pre-set (as shown below).
Do not alter the scenery before your game, just roll to see who deploys first and hence has choice of table edge and also deploys 1 unit on his table side more than M from the table centre line. His opponent then deploys 1 unit more than M from the table centre line on the opposite table edge.
This is repeated till both players have deployed their warband
After deployment determine who starts (using the procedure defined in the rule pack).
Play through the game and when your game is complete, fill out the Game Results slip with your opponent and hand it in.
Scenario Rules:
A building is placed M away from a table corner in two opposite corners. Each player ‘owns’ the building on his side of the table. These buildings are considered high area terrain but are impassable (in this scenario). Models may move freely within VS of the buildings and touch the buildings.
When a unit ends a movement activation with at least one model touching the opponent’s building the unit receives one ‘pillage’ token. A pillage token is collected after a movement activation (even if the unit does not move) as long as the activation did not involve a melee or shooting (i.e. javelins and composite bows). A unit can collect several pillage tokens in a turn but normal fatigue rules apply.
A unit can only carry as many pillage tokens as it has models. Excess tokens are lost when models are eliminated. Hence if a unit is eliminated, then all its tokens are lost.
Any type of unit can carry pillage tokens (dogs and camels included).
Terrain notes:
The Woods are High Area Terrain, Soft Cover and Uneven ground.
Building: High Area Terrain, Impassable terrain in this scenario.
Scenario Victory Points:
A player with the most pillage tokens gets 4VP’s and their opponent gets 1VP if they have at least 1 pillage token, otherwise they get 0 VP’s.
Otherwise, if both players have the same number of pillage tokens (1 or more) they both get 2VP’s.
Also if a player gets more than 4 Slaughtering victory points than his opponent he gets + 1VP.
Also, if a player kills the enemy Warlord (and his still lives) the player gets + 1VP.
Terrain: (Not shown to scale)
Scenario: Battle for the Hoard - Game 4 - Saturday
Game Length: 7 turns or time out reached
Layout: The scenery is pre-set (as shown below).
Scenario Rules:
A hoard of treasures has been discovered hidden in a swamp. Two warlords learn of the prize and fight to claim it…
Players decide who will play the first turn by bidding to play with a reduced number of points. Whoever bids lower goes first with the reduced warband and his opponent has a 6 point Warband. Roll a D6 in the event of a tie and the higher die roll starts first with the bid value. The starting player then deploys his entire warband at least L away from the table centre line. The opponent then deploys his warband with the full number of points at least L from the table centre line on the opposite table edge.
Play through the game and when your game is complete, fill out the Game Results slip with your opponent and hand it in.
Special Rules
At the end of a player’s turn if they have a model on the Hoard token that model is deemed to have picked up the Hoard (place the token under that model). Hence picking up the Hoard completes the players turn. Any unit with the Hoard has its maximum move reduced to S (this cannot be increased by any ability). A model retains the Hoard token until killed or until the unit is forced to disengage after Melee. It cannot give it up voluntarily. If the hoard is dropped as a result of a melee, a model in the opposing side takes possession of the Hoard (it can be any model in that unit as determined by the controlling player). The unit taking possession of the Hoard following a melee cannot be activated again this turn. If a model with the Hoard is killed by a shooting or other ranged action then the Hoard token is left on the table and is available again to be picked up as originally. A player cannot move the hoard token from model to model but the usual rules about which models are removed as casualties still apply.
When your game is complete, fill out the Game Results slip with your opponent and hand it in.
Terrain notes:
The Woods are High Area Terrain, Soft Cover and Uneven ground.
The Marsh is Low Area Terrain and Uneven ground. However, Factions with SAGA Abilities which apply to uneven ground (for example Irish Sons of Dana and/or Sidh or Welsh Ambush) cannot be used in this terrain piece.
Scenario Victory Points:
At the end of the game, if a player is in possession of the Hoard he gets 6VP’s and his opponent gets 2VP’s if he was ever in possession of the hoard but if not he gets 0 VP’s.
Otherwise (if no one is in possession of the hoard at game end) then if a player gets more than 4 Slaughtering victory points than his opponent he gets 4 VP’s and his opponent gets 1 VP. If a player gets 1 to 4 Slaughtering victory points more than his opponent he gets 2 VP’s and his opponent gets 1 VP.
Terrain: (Not shown to scale)
Scenario: Sacred Ground - Game 5 Saturday
Game Length: 7 turns or time out reached
Layout: In the centre of the table is a hill with two woods M away from the hill deployed as shown below. All three of these areas are sacred ground.
Scenario Rules:
Do not alter the scenery before your game, just roll to see who deploys first and hence has choice of table edge.
The winner deploys his Warlord on his table side more than L from the table centre line.
His opponent then deploys his Warlord more than L from the table centre line on the opposite table edge.
Then starting with the player that deployed his Warlord first, each player must deploy one unit, players alternate the deployment of their units until all units are deployed. However, the following deployment sequence must also be adhered too: foot units with ranged weapons then mounted units with ranged weapons then other foot the other mounted units.
After deployment determine who starts (using the procedure defined in the rule pack).
Play through the game and when your game is complete, fill out the Game Results slip with your opponent and hand it in.
Terrain notes:
The Woods are High Area Terrain, Soft Cover and Uneven ground.
The Hill is High Area Terrain, no Cover and Open ground.
Scenario Victory Points:
At the end of each player’s turn, starting with each player’s second turn, their opponent counts the number of Conquering Victory Points they scored this turn. The number of Conquering Victory Points is based on the units that are entirely placed in one of the three scenery items placed on the table. No scenery item can grant more than 6 Conquering Victory Points for a player per turn.
Conquering Victory Points are awarded for units rather than for figures, based on the following list:
• Each Hearthguard unit is worth three Conquering Victory Points
• Each Warrior unit is worth two Conquering Victory Points
• Each Levy unit is worth one Conquering Victory Point
• Swords for Hire and Dogs of War unit/s are worth Conquering Victory Points equal to the troop type they count as
• Units of three or less models do not earn any Conquering Victory Points (this extends to units that started the game as single figure units, such as Warlords, Wandering Bards and Troubadours)
The number of Conquering Victory Points gained each turn is accumulated each turn till the game ends.
At the end if a player gets more than 8 Conquering Victory Points than his opponent he gets 6 VP’s and his opponent gets 0 VP’s.
Otherwise if a player gets 5 or more but less than 8 than his opponent he gets 4 VP’s and his opponent gets 1 VP.
Otherwise if a player gets 1 or more but less than 5 than his opponent he gets 3 VP’s and his opponent gets 1 VP.
Otherwise it’s a draw and both players get 3 VP’s.
Terrain: (Not shown to scale)
Scenario: Clash of Warlords (Butcher’s Version) - Game 6 - Saturday
Game Length: Once victory condition met or 7 turns or time out reached
Layout: The scenery is pre-set (as shown below).
Scenario Rules:
Do not alter the scenery before your game, just roll to see who deploys first and hence has choice of table edge.
The winner deploys his Warlord on his table side more than M from the table centre line.
His opponent then deploys his Warlord more than M from the table centre line on the opposite table edge.
Then starting with the player that deployed his Warlord first, each player must deploy one unit, players alternate the deployment of their units until all units are deployed. However, the following deployment sequence must also be adhered too: foot units with ranged weapons then mounted units with ranged weapons then other foot the other mounted units.
Special Rules:
Only models eliminated during a Melee (from step 0 to step 8) count as eliminated for Slaughtering Victory Points. Other models do NOT count. Set the models eliminated outside a Melee sequence apart, to avoid counting them for VPs.
After deployment determine who starts (using the procedure defined in the rule pack).
Play through the game and when your game is complete, fill out the Game Results slip with your opponent and hand it in.
Terrain notes:
The Woods are High Area Terrain, Soft Cover and Uneven ground.
The Hill is High Area Terrain, no Cover and Open ground.
Victory Points:
The game ends if a Warlord is killed (it is possible for both warlords to be killed if it occurs in the same melee). A player that kills the enemy Warlord (& his still lives) gets 6VP’s and his opponent gets 0 VP’s. Otherwise (if both warlords die together or none have been killed) then if a player gets more than 4 Slaughtering victory points than his opponent he gets 4 VP’s and his opponent gets 1 VP. If a player gets 1 to 4 Slaughtering victory points more than his opponent he gets 2 VP’s and his opponent gets 1 VP.
Terrain: (Not shown to scale)
Scenario: Homeland - Game 7 - Sunday
Game Length: Once victory condition met or 6 turns or time out reached
Layout: Three buildings are placed M away from the table centre line.
Scenario Rules:
Do not alter the scenery before your game, determine who is the defender. Each player secretly bids how many Warband points (between 2 and 6) he thinks he needs to defend the village. Both players reveal their bid. The player with the lowest bid becomes the defender. If players tie, roll a D6 and the highest roller becomes the defender. The defender deploys (his bid points worth of Warband) on his table side (where the buildings are) more than M from the table centre line. His units can be within or outside of the buildings.
His opponent (the attacker) then deploys his 6 point Warband more than L from any building or enemy unit.
After deployment determine who starts (using the procedure defined in the rule pack).
Play through the game and when your game is complete, fill out the Game Results slip with your opponent and hand it in.
Terrain notes:
Building: One large building holds upto 12 models. The two small buildings hold upto 8 models each.
Victory Points:
The game ends if the attacker Warlord is killed or after 6 turns or timeout is reached.
If the defender has at least one defending figure in a building he controls that building otherwise the attacker controls it.
The attacker gets 2VP’s for each building he controls.
The defender gets 3 VP’s for each building he controls (up to a maximum of 6VP’s).