To book, please visit the Roll Call Booking Page
Bataille Empire @ Roll Call
At Roll Call 2025 we will feature Version 2 of the mass-battle Napoleonic rules from Herve Caille plus any clarification/amendments issued before the competition is undertaken.
15 mm Napoleonic’s: - Armies and Enemies of the 4th Coalition
This 15mm event will run with 4 games over the weekend (2 games on Saturday and 2 games on Sunday, players only able to make one day will be accommodated if possible).
• Games being fought between armies drawn from those listed as the Fourth Coalition (1806 – 1807) and those which fought against them.
List Checker: Adrian Steer Deadline 29th March
15 mm Napoleonic’s: - Armies and Enemies of the 4th Coalition
This 15mm event will run with 4 games over the weekend (2 games on Saturday and 2 games on Sunday, players only able to make one day will be accommodated if possible).
• Games being fought between armies drawn from those listed as the Fourth Coalition (1806 – 1807) and those which fought against them.
- British in Egypt,1807
- British in Copenhagen, 1807
- Prussian and Saxons, 1806
- Russians in Poland, 1806-1807
- Swedish in Pomerania 1806-1807
- Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, 1807-1815
- Danish in Copenhagen, 1807
- French in Germany, 1805-1806
- French in Poland, 1807
- Dutch, 1806 -1807
- Poles in Prussia, 1807
- • Armies being entered being as either a coalition army or an Empire army only one army is required although if players wish to enter two, they will be informed which one to take to even the sides up.
- • All army lists should comply with the requirements in the BE Version 2 rulebook.
- • Army lists should be 200 pts maximum.
- • Standard sized tables of 120mm * 80mm
- • Preset terrain will be used throughout the weekend to increase the speed of play, some players will be asked to bring mats and terrain to enable this to happen. No player will play on the same table twice which may mean tables being reset Saturday night depending on the number of players.
- • The draw will ensure no two players play each other more than once, if possible. Depending on the number of entries match-ups may be drawn before the competition with preference being given to players from abroad not playing other people from the same country and then people from the same club. Should a large enough entry be achieved a Swiss chess system will be adopted. Which method used will be advised to the players before the competition. In the event of odd numbers, I’ll drop out and just umpire.
- • It is likely that some games may result in blue v blue (or red v red) battles these games will be allowed so long as they are not the same nation fighting each other.
- • Each of the rounds will feature the same scenario which will be decided by the umpire throwing a dice after players have determined who is the attacker and which side of the table they will use. The encounter scenario will be used for the last game to enable a timely finish to the competition and allow players to head off home early as this scenario generally reaches a conclusion quicker than others.
- • Games will continue for a maximum of 7 rounds unless one side routs first or time is called.
- Timetable
- The timetable for 15mm is as follows:
- • Saturday : 09:30-13:00, 14:00-17.30
- • Sunday : 09:00-12:30, 13:15-16:45
- • Last bound will be called 20 minutes before the end time to allow players to fully complete the current bound and scores then calculated.
- • Scoring will be done on the usual French system.
List Checker: Adrian Steer Deadline 29th March
To book, please visit the Roll Call Booking Page
The venue for Roll Call is;
Holywell School, Red Lion Close, Cranfield, Bedford MK43 0JA . For more details see the Roll Call Venue Page |